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One Coin

One Coin

One Coin

One Canon Digital Currency is a case that is based on the charity graphics, but the basis of all digital currencies is the same as cryptographic graphics that also call data encryption used in the wats app, mobile, stitched channel, wifi, car key etc. Is. Your message through a corruption code is protected by a code between you and the person who is not aware of anyone else besides you and that person. It is said that there are more than 7 digital currency currencies in the world.

The first digit digital currency, which is the one on which we have installed a post. It is said that the inventor of bit coin is Shutoshi Napa Matau who started it in 2009. This is a free currency, namely there is no bank or no state or government. You can also create this currency from your own computer itself, since the processing process for creating bit counts is so long and long that you need a super computer that will get at least four million and this computer But you can generate one bit in three months. And what is the bit, is it a computer software file that is impossible to generate again? Today the price of a bit is $ 10,000.

The purpose behind inventing buttons was that there should be no additional charges in between when a person reaches any part of the world from one person to another, such as banks earn billions of dollars in it. The purpose was indeed good but its condition is horrible. There are plenty of public wins in Pakistan that people are using their skills to overcome. One canyon claims that future digital currency buttons will be made instead of coincidence, so invest in it.

The investment method is in two ways. One way you can buy a bit by buying your paper currency or one-by-one, according to the market rate, and then after a period of time the rate increases, sell it to your corner market. The other way is that you can also make a company's call with buyers and trap people in the work. You can earn uninterrupted money by placing people in this business through multi-level marketing.

Now whoever defends the particle of multi-level marketing, then giving it a Islamic certificate, you will avoid avoiding perverse human action. Since this case of currency fulfills all the evil of capitalism as well, it will become increasingly popular. And if banks or governments take it to their guardianship, then what will happen, , he will increase twenty more than twenty-five percent of creation of money and financial reserve. Paper exchange is the first one that you want to go on digital currency and punish it. I'm sorry

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