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what did forbes and the wall street jounral write about onecoin?

what did forbes and the wall street jounral write about    onecoin?

they will write about onecoin when it goes puplic.

on the same day,in an exurb of mumbai, a compny called onecoin was in the midst of a sales pitch for own digital currency.when financial enforcement officer raided the meeting, jailing 18 onecoin representatives and ultimately siezing more then $2 million in investor funds. multiple national authorities have now  described onecoin, as a ponzi schame; by the time of the mumbai bust, it had already moved at least $350 million in allegedly scammed funds through a payment processor in Germany

we see 3 segments there.

1)He mentions Indian arrests and we already know that those were only using Onecoin to scam people, not the company itselfit was analyzed in another topic

2) He mentions how multiple authorities described Onecoin as a ponzi and this was a notorious lie.
we already know that no authority described Onecoin is not a ponzi in another topic (
they was just warnings for onecoin, the sane as there were warning for bitcoin and other cryptocurrency.Whole analytics of warning is in another topic (
3)He mentions $350million bieng scame money where we know that was legit money from selling Education packages but issue was that the company who collected money did not have a license and that was not up to onecoin to obtain it.
Later, Germany recognized onecoin as a future financial instrument so it needs to have a financia license.The wholew Germany case is described in another topic (
We can already see that this guy has no clue about Onecoin and he only "knows"what bitcoin people and Onecoin haters told him.

let,s go on 
Onecoin loudly trumpeted its use of blockchain tecnology but holes in that claim were visible long before international law enforcement took notice. Whereas Gnosis had experienced engineers, endorsements form know experts, and an operational version of thier sofware, onecoin was led and promoted by known fraudsters waving fake credentials.

Why there is so much buzz about Onecoin.
ICOs    Are started by developers, where onecoin is started by financial poeple who just hired developers to do the job.
ask your self.
When making a currency, an instrument with financial value and usage,
is it normal that financial experts make a project,and developer work or can developers without any financial knowledge make a proper financial product?

We see at the decentralized community
that developers are making and starting projects, without any expertise, they recieve thier millions and then they let the opne market decide its value but the opne market is ruled by speculators and whales and small people just lose mony there,this is importance of financial expert making a project to make it stable and less vulnerable to speculations.

According to a respected blockchain engineer who was offered a position as onecoin,s chief Technology Officer, onecoin,s "blockchain"consisted of little more than a glorified excel spreadsheet and a fugazi portal that displayed demonstrably fale trasactions

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